American Blind Bowling Association, Inc.
This association was established January 21, 1951. The objectives of this association are:
To promote an interest in bowling activities among legally blind men and women in North America.
To assist and supervise all member leagues and individual bowlers.
To provide awards for outstanding achievement in membership competition.
To promote, conduct, and manage an annual championship blind bowling tournament.
To promote blind bowling as an international sport.

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see”
-Mark Twain
The Blind Bowler
Click the links below to view past issues of The Blind Bowler.
If you are currently a sanctioned member of ABBA and would like to receive a physical (large print or braille) copy of The Blind Bowler, please have your league secretary fill out
The Blind Bowler Survey and return it to the email link below.
If you have content you would like to submit to The Blind Bowler, or corrections for this website, please submit them to The Blind Bowler at the email link below.
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